



<p>Description of their focus and project responsibilities</p>

<h2 id="DavidProchazka">David Prochazka</h2>

<p>Outlines long term vision. Takes care about connection with industry. Reviews new trends in HCI/AR/GIT.</p>

<li>Design new features, write code and unit tests</li>
<li>Have fun hacking and learn new stuff!</li>
<li>Lead by providing a project vision and roadmap</li>
<li>Review code changes and provide constructive feedback</li>

<h2 id="JanKolomaznik">Jan Kolomaznik</h2>

<p>Main architect of the engine. Focus on development of advanced object detection methods and mobile applications.</p>

<li>Design new features, write code and unit tests</li>
<li>Review code changes and provide constructive feedback</li>
<li>Review code for security and scalability</li>

<h2 id="JaromirLanda">Jaromir Landa</h2>

<p>Focus on point clouds, Kinect and connection between point clouds and GIS</p>

<li>Create graphic artwork, audio, and other data assets</li>
<li>Test the system before each release</li>
<li>Triage new issues and support requests from end-users</li>
<li>Write end-user documentation and examples</li>

<h2 id="TomasKoubek">Tomas Koubek</h2>

<p>Focused on AR applications in industry, especially connection between AR and mobile GIS (LBS, WMS etc.)</p>

<li>Define database schemas and persistence layers</li>
<li>Document our development process and help new members</li>
<li>Lead the UI design and incorporate feedback</li>
<li>Specify and write code for APIs and plug-in interfaces</li>

<h2 id="OndrejPopelka">Ondrej Popelka</h2>

<p>Focus on advanced object detection and identification methods</p>

<li>Design new features, write code and unit tests</li>