


<h1 id="ARHell">ARHell</h1>

<p>Our augmented reality software ARHell was originaly a part of the VRUT project (Virtual Reality Universal Toolkit) developed by Skoda Auto company and the Czech Technical University in Prague. Currently, it is a stand alone engine that allows to implement own AR applications. Our engine processes a camera stream and calculates standard OpenGL transformation matrices for all detected objects.</p>

<p>The OpenCV library is used for image processing. The visualisation of 3D models is currently implemented using Irrlicht library. Nevertheless the visualisation can be done virtually by any engine. Our solution provides common 3D transformation matrix. Engine is written in C++.</p>

<h2 id="Requirements">Requirements</h2>

<p>(click on the link for installation or configuration info)</p>

<li>OS:&nbsp;<a href="wiki/arhell_instalation_under_macos_x">OS X</a>&nbsp;(10.5+), GNU/Linux or Ms Windows (7)</li>
<li>IDE:&nbsp;<a href="wiki/visual_studio_project">Visual Studio 10</a>,&nbsp;<a href="wiki/eclipse_project">Eclipse</a>,&nbsp;<a href="wiki/xcode_project">XCode</a>&nbsp;4.3</li>
<li>Irrlicht 1.7.2 (not 1.7.3), OpenCV 2.3.1</li>

<h2 id="Videos">Videos</h2>

<li><a href=";&gt;Urban Planning</a></li>
<li><a href=";&gt;Augmeted Prototyping</a></li>

<h2 id="Repositorystructure">Repository structure</h2>

<li><strong>etc:</strong>&nbsp;configuration files and camera calibration files</li>
<li><strong>libs:</strong>&nbsp;compiled versions of required libs for easier distribution (not yet used)</li>
<li><strong>markers:</strong>&nbsp;files for marker definitions (borders, image markers)</li>
<li><strong>models:</strong>&nbsp;3D models for visualisation engine</li>
<li><strong>src:</strong>&nbsp;source files</li>
<li><strong>test:</strong>&nbsp;unit tests</li>

<h2 id="Furtherinfo">Further info</h2>

<li><a href="wiki/people">People working on the project</a></li>
<li><a href="wiki/multithreading">Multi-threading</a></li>
<li><a href="wiki/switcheableDetection">Switcheable detection method</a></li>